Emily and Yazmin (This story was written by Emily!)

I am Yazmin Gonzalez’s mentor. Since I was unable to attend the holiday party with Yazmin, and we were unable to see each other over the holiday break, we scheduled a get together today to catch up on everything that has been going on since we last saw each other at the Parent’s Brunch on November 15. We met for brunch at Le Midi in the Union Square area (see pic). Aside from catching up on what’s going on with our family and friends, we spoke about Yazmin’s course work over the past semester. We also made plans to attend upcoming SUMMA events together and talked about our going to a museum this semester. Recently, Yazmin received an invitation to participate in the National Young Leaders Conference (NYLC) in Washington DC this summer. Since Yazmin attended this conference when she was in 7th grade, we discussed what the prospective benefits of attending again could be. I am doing additional research on the program and we’ll continue our discussions so that Yazmin can decide whether she should make the commitment to attend.

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